Source code for skillmodels.kalman_filters

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.ops import index
from jax.ops import index_add
from jax.ops import index_update

array_qr_jax = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(jnp.linalg.qr))

# ======================================================================================
# Update Step
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[docs]def kalman_update( states, upper_chols, loadings, control_params, meas_sd, measurements, controls, log_mixture_weights, not_missing, debug, ): """Perform a Kalman update with likelihood evaluation. Args: states (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (n_obs, n_mixtures, n_states) with pre-update states estimates. upper_chols (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (n_obs, n_mixtures, n_states, n_states) with the transpose of the lower triangular cholesky factor of the pre-update covariance matrix of the state estimates. loadings (jax.numpy.array): 1d array of length n_states with factor loadings. control_params (jax.numpy.array): 1d array of length n_controls. meas_sd (float): Standard deviation of the measurement error. measurements (jax.numpy.array): 1d array of length n_obs with measurements. May contain NaNs if no measurement was observed. controls (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (n_obs, n_controls) with data on the control variables. log_mixture_weights (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (n_obs, n_mixtures) with the natural logarithm of the weights of each element of the mixture of normals distribution. not_missung (jax.numpy.array): Boolean 1d array of length n_obs that indicates if a measurement not missing. This could be calculated on the fly but that generates a jax error on GPUs. debug (bool): If true, the debug_info contains the residuals of the update and their standard deviations. Otherwise, it is an empty dict. Returns: states (jax.numpy.array): Same format as states. new_states (jax.numpy.array): Same format as states. new_upper_chols (jax.numpy.array): Same format as upper_chols new_log_mixture_weights: (jax.numpy.array): Same format as log_mixture_weights new_loglikes: (jax.numpy.array): 1d array of length n_obs debug_info (dict): Empty or containing residuals and residual_sds """ # reduce everything to non-missing entries. Variables that refer to the reduced # arrays or dimensions have a leading underscore in their name _states = states[not_missing] _upper_chols = upper_chols[not_missing] _measurements = measurements[not_missing] _log_mixture_weights = log_mixture_weights[not_missing] _controls = controls[not_missing] _n_obs, _n_mixtures, _n_states = _states.shape # actual square-root Kalman updates _expected_measurements =, loadings) + _controls, control_params ).reshape(_n_obs, 1) _residuals = _measurements.reshape(_n_obs, 1) - _expected_measurements _f_stars =, loadings.reshape(_n_states, 1)) _m = jnp.zeros((_n_obs, _n_mixtures, _n_states + 1, _n_states + 1)) _m = index_update(_m, index[..., 0, 0], meas_sd) _m = index_update(_m, index[..., 1:, :1], _f_stars) _m = index_update(_m, index[..., 1:, 1:], _upper_chols) _r = array_qr_jax(_m)[1] _new_upper_chols = _r[..., 1:, 1:] _root_sigmas = _r[..., 0, 0] _abs_root_sigmas = jnp.abs(_root_sigmas) # it is important not to divide by the absolute value of _root_sigmas in order # to recover the sign of the Kalman gain. _kalman_gains = _r[..., 0, 1:] / _root_sigmas.reshape(_n_obs, _n_mixtures, 1) _new_states = _states + _kalman_gains * _residuals.reshape(_n_obs, _n_mixtures, 1) # calculate log likelihood per individual and update mixture weights _loglikes_per_dist = jax.scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(_residuals, 0, _abs_root_sigmas) if _n_mixtures >= 2: _weighted_loglikes_per_dist = _loglikes_per_dist + _log_mixture_weights _loglikes = jax.scipy.special.logsumexp(_weighted_loglikes_per_dist, axis=1) _new_log_mixture_weights = _weighted_loglikes_per_dist - _loglikes.reshape( -1, 1 ) else: _loglikes = _loglikes_per_dist.flatten() _new_log_mixture_weights = _log_mixture_weights # combine pre-update quantities for missing observations with updated quantities new_states = index_update(states, index[not_missing], _new_states) new_upper_chols = index_update(upper_chols, index[not_missing], _new_upper_chols) new_loglikes = index_update( jnp.zeros(len(measurements)), index[not_missing], _loglikes ) new_log_mixture_weights = index_update( log_mixture_weights, index[not_missing], _new_log_mixture_weights ) debug_info = {} if debug: n_obs, n_mixtures = new_log_mixture_weights.shape residuals = jnp.full((n_obs, n_mixtures), jnp.nan) residuals = index_update(residuals, index[not_missing], _residuals) debug_info["residuals"] = residuals residual_sds = jnp.full((n_obs, n_mixtures), jnp.nan) residual_sds = index_update(residual_sds, index[not_missing], _abs_root_sigmas) debug_info["residual_sds"] = residual_sds return ( new_states, new_upper_chols, new_log_mixture_weights, new_loglikes, debug_info, )
# ====================================================================================== # Update Step # ======================================================================================
[docs]def calculate_sigma_scaling_factor_and_weights(n_states, kappa=2): """Calculate the scaling factor and weights for sigma points according to Julier. There are other sigma point algorithms, but many of them possibly have negative weights which makes the unscented predict step more complicated. Args: n_states (int): Number of states. kappa (float): Spreading factor of the sigma points. Returns: float: Scaling factor jax.numpy.array: Sigma weights of length 2 * n_states + 1 """ scaling_factor = jnp.sqrt(kappa + n_states) n_sigma = 2 * n_states + 1 weights = 0.5 * jnp.ones(n_sigma) / (n_states + kappa) weights = index_update(weights, index[0], kappa / (n_states + kappa)) return scaling_factor, weights
[docs]def kalman_predict( states, upper_chols, sigma_scaling_factor, sigma_weights, transition_functions, trans_coeffs, shock_sds, anchoring_scaling_factors, anchoring_constants, ): """Make a unscented Kalman predict. Args: states (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (n_obs, n_mixtures, n_states) with pre-update states estimates. upper_chols (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (n_obs, n_mixtures, n_states, n_states) with the transpose of the lower triangular cholesky factor of the pre-update covariance matrix of the state estimates. sigma_scaling_factor (float): A scaling factor that controls the spread of the sigma points. Bigger means that sigma points are further apart. Depends on the sigma_point algorithm chosen. sigma_weights (jax.numpy.array): 1d array of length n_sigma with non-negative sigma weights. transition_functions (tuple): tuple of tuples where the first element is the name of the transition function and the second the actual transition function. Order is important and corresponds to the latent factors in alphabetical order. trans_coeffs (tuple): Tuple of 1d jax.numpy.arrays with transition parameters. anchoring_scaling_factors (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (2, n_fac) with the scaling factors for anchoring. The first row corresponds to the input period, the second to the output period (i.e. input period + 1). anchoring_constants (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (2, n_states) with the constants for anchoring. The first row corresponds to the input period, the second to the output period (i.e. input period + 1). Returns: jax.numpy.array: Predicted states, same shape as states. jax.numpy.array: Predicted upper_chols, same shape as upper_chols. """ sigma_points = _calculate_sigma_points(states, upper_chols, sigma_scaling_factor) transformed = _transform_sigma_points( sigma_points, transition_functions, trans_coeffs, anchoring_scaling_factors, anchoring_constants, ) n_obs, n_mixtures, n_sigma, n_fac = sigma_points.shape predicted_states =, transformed) devs = transformed - predicted_states.reshape(n_obs, n_mixtures, 1, n_fac) qr_weights = jnp.sqrt(sigma_weights).reshape(n_sigma, 1) qr_points = jnp.zeros((n_obs, n_mixtures, n_sigma + n_fac, n_fac)) qr_points = index_update(qr_points, index[:, :, 0:n_sigma], devs * qr_weights) qr_points = index_update(qr_points, index[:, :, n_sigma:], jnp.diag(shock_sds)) predicted_covs = array_qr_jax(qr_points)[1][:, :, :n_fac] return predicted_states, predicted_covs
def _calculate_sigma_points(states, upper_chols, scaling_factor): """Calculate the array of sigma_points for the unscented transform. Args: states (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (n_obs, n_mixtures, n_states) with pre-update states estimates. upper_chols (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (n_obs, n_mixtures, n_states, n_states) with the transpose of the lower triangular cholesky factor of the pre-update covariance matrix of the state estimates. scaling_factor (float): A scaling factor that controls the spread of the sigma points. Bigger means that sigma points are further apart. Depends on the sigma_point algorithm chosen. Returns: jax.numpy.array: Array of shape n_obs, n_mixtures, n_sigma, n_fac (where n_sigma equals 2 * n_fac + 1) with sigma points. """ n_obs, n_mixtures, n_fac = states.shape n_sigma = 2 * n_fac + 1 scaled_upper_chols = upper_chols * scaling_factor sigma_points = jnp.repeat(states, n_sigma, axis=1).reshape( n_obs, n_mixtures, n_sigma, n_fac ) sigma_points = index_add( sigma_points, index[:, :, 1 : n_fac + 1], scaled_upper_chols ) sigma_points = index_add( sigma_points, index[:, :, n_fac + 1 :], -scaled_upper_chols ) return sigma_points def _transform_sigma_points( sigma_points, transition_functions, trans_coeffs, anchoring_scaling_factors, anchoring_constants, ): """Anchor sigma points, transform them and unanchor the transformed sigma points. Args: sigma_points (jax.numpy.array) of shape n_obs, n_mixtures, n_sigma, n_fac. transition_functions (tuple): tuple of tuples where the first element is the name of the transition function and the second the actual transition function. Order is important and corresponds to the latent factors in alphabetical order. trans_coeffs (tuple): Tuple of 1d jax.numpy.arrays with transition parameters. anchoring_scaling_factors (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (2, n_states) with the scaling factors for anchoring. The first row corresponds to the input period, the second to the output period (i.e. input period + 1). anchoring_constants (jax.numpy.array): Array of shape (2, n_states) with the constants for anchoring. The first row corresponds to the input period, the second to the output period (i.e. input period + 1). Returns: jax.numpy.array: Array of shape n_obs, n_mixtures, n_sigma, n_fac (where n_sigma equals 2 * n_fac + 1) with transformed sigma points. """ n_obs, n_mixtures, n_sigma, n_states = sigma_points.shape anchored = sigma_points * anchoring_scaling_factors[0] + anchoring_constants[0] transformed_anchored = anchored for i, ((name, func), coeffs) in enumerate(zip(transition_functions, trans_coeffs)): if name != "constant": output = func(anchored, coeffs) transformed_anchored = index_update( transformed_anchored, index[..., i], output ) transformed_unanchored = ( transformed_anchored - anchoring_constants[1] ) / anchoring_scaling_factors[1] return transformed_unanchored